
Oliver in the beginning...

Oliver was born on June 19th 2002. He will turn 4 this year. He was born at a little private stable in Knightsen, CA and was moved to Wild Rose II at 3 weeks old. He was a bit knock kneed but well muscled at birth. He liked to jump out of their stall into the paddock. His mother was a Thoroughbred/Appaloosa mix named Mr. Pro Bubbles, I called her Fawna. I bred her to a Friesian Stallion and Oliver was the result. The labor was unattended but uneventful, she retained the placenta but cleaned up nicely within a couple days. Oliver was born Bay colored with a white spot on his right hip and one on top of his butt. No other markings. Here are the early pictures on the OliverPage
He spent the first 16 months of his life in a pasture at Wild Rose II. He was weaned at 5 months old and was pastured with a black quarter horse colt named Spirit. At 16 months he managed to cut a 2 inch gash under his tounge. After a month of antibiotics he healed and began some 'cowboy training' it didn't go well. By the time he was 20 months old he was running over people when they went to turn him out and refusing to wear his blanket. He also fully consumed a leather halter. All I found was the chin strap and buckle.
In December 2003 he was taken to UC Davis and gelded. He needed to go to Davis for this since he was partially Cryptorchid. Everything went ok and it was a chance to get him used to the trailer.

In March 2004 I decided it was time for Real training and started searching for a driving trainer.


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